Allen Gregory

Allen Gregory

Allen Gregory is an animated series that follows 7-year-old Allen Gregory (Jonah Hill). When Allen sees himself, he sees a young man who is intelligent and sophisticated. His father Richard (French Stewart) is a romantic as is Gregory. Together, they share a bond that is interrupted by Jeremy (Nat Faxon), Richard's life partner who Allen doesn't have any respect for. Living together in a loft along with Julie (Joy Osmanski), Allen's adopted sister form Cambodia, they get along.

Unbeknownst to Allen though, he is about to go on an adventure that he has never attempted before, he has started elementary school with children his own ages. As Allen struggles to fit in, he has an all-out rivalry with Gina Winthrop (Leslie Mann) and an unique friendship with Judith Gottlieb (Renée Taylor), his 68-year-old principal. He tries to be friends with the popular kids including Joel Zadak (Jake Johnson) the school stud. However, his work is cut out for him. That is when his friend and assistant, Patrick Vanderweel (Cristina Pucelli) comes by and the support of Superintendent Stewart Rossmyre (Will Forte), who both feel that Allen is an asset to the school.

Created by Jonah Hill, Andrew Mogel and Jarrad Paul (Yes Man", Allen Gregory is a fresh animated comedy that is made to look into an intelligent kid's mind to see the struggles he faces when he is at school.

Episode Info

Prev: 1x07 -- Van Moon Rising (Dec/18/2011)

The persistent and pompous Allen Gregory bribes Principal Gottlieb into a romantic situation that he hopes will bring them closer together. Meanwhile, Richard uses Julie to compete with his frenemy's adopted child.

Jonah HillJonah Hill
voiced Allen Gregory DeLongpre
French StewartFrench Stewart
voiced Richard DeLongpre
Nat FaxonNat Faxon
voiced Jeremy
Joy OsmanskiJoy Osmanski
voiced Julie DeLongpre
Cristina PucelliCristina Pucelli
voiced Patrick Vanderweel

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Recurring Guests

Will Forte as Superintendent Stewart Rossmyre (7 eps)
Lacey Chabert as Beth (7 eps)
Leslie Mann as Gina Winthrop (7 eps)
Nasim Pedrad as Val (7 eps)
Jake Johnson (2) as Joel Zadak (6 eps)
Keith David as Carl Trent D'avis (5 eps)
Renée Taylor as Principal Judith Gottlieb (4 eps)
Jonah Hill as Guillermo (4 eps)
Shawn Clements as Manager (3 eps)
Jarrad Paul as Brian (2 eps)

View All Recurring Guests
Classification: Animation
Genre: Animation General
Status: Canceled
Network: FOX ( USA)
Airs: Sundays at 08:30 pm
Runtime: 30 Minutes
Premiere: October 30, 2011
Ended: December 18, 2011
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