Christy Hemme

Mostly Credited As: Christy Hemme
Sometimes Credited As: Christie Hemme
Christie Sunni Hemme

Birth Name: Christina Lee Hemme
Date Of Birth: October 28, 1980 (Age 35)
Country Of Birth: USA
Birth Place: Temecula, California

Christy Hemme

TV Appearances

Main cast 
Impact Wrestling (2004)As: Christie Hemme / Christy Hemme (Backstage interviewer & Ring Announcer - 2006 - ?)
WWE SmackDown! (1999)As: Christy / Christy Hemme (2005)
Episode Cast Credits 

Lingerie Bowl (2004) 
  Lingerie Bowl II 01x02: (Feb/06/2005) As Herself 
Latest news

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Winner of the 2004 RAW Diva Search Contest

Her first connection with wrestling was in the WWE $250,000 Raw Diva Search contest in 2004, which she was announced the winner of on 20 September 2004 & the following week is stripped to her bra & panties by Gail Kim, Molly Holly & Trish Stratus.

She was trained for the squared circle by Fit Finlay (David Finlay), ‘The Shooter’ Dean Malenko (Dean Simon), Ricky ‘The Dragon’ Steamboat (Richard Blood) and she also trained at the “Inoki Dojo” located in California.

Her nickname is ‘Harley Girl’.

She has had feuds with Carmella (Carmella Danielle DeCesare), Gail Kim, Melina Perez, Molly Holly (Noreen Kristina Greenwald), Trish Stratus (Patricia Anne Stratigias) and Victoria (Lisa Marie Varon, née Lisa Marie Sole).

Her wrestling moves include Hurricanrana, Reverse Twist of Fate, Split leg drop and Sunset flip from the corner.

After working with/in the WWE for over 14 months she was released from her contract unexpectedly for unknown reason on 5 December 2005. On 23 April 2006 she appeared for the 1st time in TNA at the annual “TNA Lockdown” pay-per view.

On 9 June 2006 Christy was the special guest referee for the match in which Tracy Brooks (Tracy Brookshaw) defeated Gail Kim at the annual “TNA Hardcore War” pay-per view.

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