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Goliath and David - Recap

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At Alicia's Christmas party, Eli questions Marilyn about her decision to name her baby Peter. She says it has nothing to do with the governor and claims the father is another man named Peter. Alicia walks up and asks if they have seen the band. She leaves the two and finds the band. She pays them and the band ask them about a possible case they may have. They legally covered a song by the rapper Rebel Kane but they claim a TV show copied their copy. Alicia comments that Peter was in prison with Rebel Kane. Cary warns that it's a David and Goliath situation to go up against a TV show like this but the band offers to pay a percentage of the $2,300,000 they are seeking.

Preston walks into LG looking for Alicia. He tells the receptionist that he's being sued by Alicia. Diane and Will are in a meeting discussing a vote on a new client in Los Angeles. The vote to wait at least 60 days before taking on any new clients. The receptionist informs Will that Preston is looking for Alicia. Will meets with Preston, who is being sued for copyright infringement. He's from L.A. and since Will knows how Alicia works, he offers to help.

Eli meets with Kalinda and asks her to find out the father of Marilyn's baby. He claims to need an investigator who won't leak the results. She agrees to work for $500 an hour.

At a bowling alley, Alicia and Cary meet with Rowby's manager Murray. He wasn't aware that there was a second copyright that he needed to get. Rowby suggests that they get the derivative copyright from Rebel Kane now. Cary agrees and says that Alicia already knows him. They visit Rebel Kane and ask for the copyright. He understands what it's like to be a struggling artist and offers the copyright for only $5.

Preston arrives at Florrick-Agos to see Alicia. She's surprised to see that he's represented by Will. She thinks that it isn't a coincidence that he keeps opposing her on cases. Alicia wants 50% of past and future profits but Will argues that it was the band who copied the TV show and counter sues. Alicia says they will see each other in court, even after Cary whispers to her that they can't make money off of this case.

Damian enters Will's office and asks why Kalinda is following him. Will thinks that Diane sent her after him because she doesn't trust him. Damian says they will have to talk if she finds anything. Will offers to talk now but Damian says only if she finds something.

In court, Alicia struggles to against Will to prove that Rowby wrote the song. He continues to make objections to throw Alicia off. Rowby is the first witness but he finds it hard to answer questions with all of Will's objections. At recess, Cary tries to reason with Alicia not to be played by Will. She leaves to change. Back in court, Will questions, Noel, the creator of the TV show. Alicia enters the room wearing a new outfit that distracts Will. Noel claims that sometimes two artists come to the same idea at the same time. Cary plays the two songs at the same time and they sound the exact same. Preston tells Will that they need another attack.

Outside of court, Will confronts Alicia about changing her outfit to distract him but she just ends up insulting him.

Kalinda meets Marilyn in the waiting room for prenatal appointments. She works some information out of Marilyn and finds that she will see the father everyday. Jenna walks in and interrupts their discussion. After Marilyn leaves, Kalinda warns Jenna not to follow her, especially while she is working. Jenna just wants to go on a date and apologizes for following her. Kalinda agrees to dinner.

In court, Preston questions Rowby. He brings up evidence that Rowby was on the same studio lot as Noel around the same time they wrote their versions of the song. Judge Marx believes that Rowby's song was the original but since it wasn't authorized, it isn't protected. The theft of the song was legal, much to Alicia's frustration.

Kalinda looks up Marilyn's high school reunion and finds photos titled 'Old Flames' of her with a man named Peter Bergen. She minimizes the window when Jenna gets into bed with her. Jenna receives a call but claims it was from her mother.

Even though they lost, Alicia wants to continue with the case. Cary asks Rowby some questions about why they made the song and what made it funny. They return to court and claim that Rowby's song was satire. If Rowby's song is a satire, or transformative work, then it is automatically protected. Judge Marx states that if Cary can prove it was a transformative work then they will have a case.

At LG, Damian convinces Edelman to change his vote. One member of the team is missing so Diane thinks that Will is manipulating the vote. She leaves to make phone calls and brings a few associates so that the vote can't take place.

Kalinda runs into Peter Bergen and asks him a few questions to see if he's the father. He's married and states that Marilyn left in the middle of the reunion.

In court, Alicia questions Douglas Landry James, a musicologist. She asks if Rowby's song would be considered satire and he says it would especially because the lyrics haven't changed. Will has his own musicologist witness, Liv, who claims the song isn't satire because the lyrics haven't changed. Liv and Douglas get in an argument because she states that he isn't well respected. Preston questions Rebel Kane about the purpose of his original song. Rebel Kane says it was to make money. Preston reasons that Rebel Kane's song is also a satire and therefore Rowby's song can't be transformative.

Kalinda meets with Eli and explains what she knows. It looks like Marilyn went to Springfield to meet with a Peter, who they believe was Peter Florrick. The security footage for that day is gone and they suspect it was taken for blackmail. Eli calls Peter and asks to talk. Kalinda promises to keep it quiet.

Alicia asks Robyn to help her find some sort of consensus online that Rowby's song is a satire. It's her last chance to win the case. While listening to the song and reading comments,

Eli confronts Marilyn with the knowledge he has that she met someone at a hotel in Springfield. He asks who the father is but she says he has the right to privacy, even if she doesn't when she enters the office. Robyn comes across a short sound that seems out of place.

Damian meets with Kalinda and tells her something that Jenna said. He says they are friends and asks Kalinda if she has any friends. Before she leaves, Damian tells her that Jenna likes her.

Diane sits down with Will to discuss what's going on in the office. He says he's fine and everything he's doing isn't about Alicia. Will wants a chance to lead since he never walked away. Diane agrees to vote however he wants.

Eli receives a call from Anne from the Tribune. She needs a comment on a video but doesn't explain further.

Robyn shows the team the Swedish version of the song and how the sound is only in that one. It was released early to Swedish iTunes but the sound isn't in other versions. Rowby recognizes the sound as bowling balls. They recorded their song at Murray's bowling alley so they must have stolen the song and accidentally left the sound in.

Jenna pulls Kalinda over to ask why she didn't return her calls. Kalinda wants to cool it because she isn't sure if she likes her yet. Jenna knows that's not true and thinks it's about Damian. She doesn't want to make it a choice between the two of them because friends always come through.

Alicia's team confronts Will's team with the evidence of theft. He asks her to prove it in court and she says she will. She suggests that he check with his client first. Preston asks to speak with Will in private. Rowby celebrates the fact that they won the case.

Eli meets with Anne to see what the video is that she has. She shows him the security footage that came with a comment saying that Peter Florrick was stealing the election. In the video three men are seen carrying something out of the back of the truck. Eli leaves and runs into Marilyn. She has the father with her and he's willing to go public if it's needed. Eli just walks away still in shock from the video.