Keeping Up with the Kardashians

Keeping Up with the Kardashians Cast

Name (Sort)   Character (Sort)
Khloe KardashianplayedHerself (121Eps.)
Kim KardashianplayedHerself (121Eps.)
Kourtney KardashianplayedHerself (121Eps.)
Rob KardashianplayedHimself (61Eps.)
Caitlyn JennerplayedHerself (109Eps.)
Kris JennerplayedHerself (121Eps.)
Kendall JennerplayedHerself (103Eps.)
Kylie JennerplayedHerself (101Eps.)
Scott DisickplayedHimself (57Eps.)
Lamar OdomplayedHimself (S04-present) (21Eps.)
Brandon JennerplayedHimself (S08-present (Recurring Previously)) (7Eps.)
Brody JennerplayedHimself (S08-present (Recurring Previously)) (6Eps.)
Leah FelderplayedHerself (S08-present) (4Eps.)
Classification: Reality
Genre: Celebrities | Family
Status: Returning Series
Network: E! ( USA)
Airs: Sundays at 09:00 pm
Runtime: 60 Minutes
Premiere: October 14, 2007
Episode Order: 13
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