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'Bachelorette' And Beau Split

If these two crazy kids can't make it in this fake reality television world, what hope do the rest of us have?

Another "Bachelor"/"Bachelorette" romance bites the dust as Emily Maynard, seeker of love from the show's latest eighth season, has reportedly split with fiancé Jef Holm.


"I am sorry to tell you that Jef and I have, indeed, parted ways. It was a very difficult and heartbreaking decision," Maynard said in an official statement.

"As you know, at first I wasn’t sure that I should even be The Bachelorette, but I am a hopeless romantic and I do believe in the show," Maynard continued. "I have no regrets because I did find love and shared an incredible journey with a really special person – and you know what, we tried our best because the love between us was so real."

Holm added in his own statement, "Emily will always have a special place in my heart. I don’t regret a single second I spent with her or Ricki. They both have been a huge part of my life. Who knows what tomorrow will bring but we are moving on to the next chapter of our lives."

Alas, the universe balanced itself when ABC announced that the seventh season "Bachelorette" Ashley Hebert will wed chosen one J.P. Rosenbaum on a televised event in December.

So, what's the tally on the relationships that have lasted on these shows?

- The Bachelorette
- Emily Maynard
- J.P. Rosenbaum
- Ashley Hebert

Written by: kyleiam
Oct 17th, 2012, 12:36 am

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