A Trismus Story - Recap

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Journalist Gina Black arrives to the Hamptons to cover the election for village council, and she appears to be the adventurous type, complete with an automobile that can float and navigate in the water.

Divya stops by the house to speak to Hank about his previous night's ordeal with his patient Don O'Shea and Don's daughter Molly. Divya wants to support Hank but as usual, he thinks he can do everything on his own. Divya subtly tries to get Hank to reveal that he is aware of Jeremiah's feelings for Divya, but Hank plays dumb and asks Divya to cover his patients for the day so he can return to the hospital.

Evan and Paige are walking down the street when they are greeted by Gina, who asks Evan for an television interview. Gina is portraying the election as a race between old school and new and asks Evan his opinion of the latest Twitter poll that shows him with a narrow lead. Evan is taken by surprise but covers it and seems to know nothing of this new age poll despite being portrayed as the new school candidate.

Evan notices Gina twinging with pain in her jaw and offers her a HankMed business card if her problem worsens just as Blythe Ballard arrives with a van load of people to the voting station. Evan makes a joke about busing people in but Blythe takes the comment with stride and declares Evan might have given her a great idea.

Hank finds Molly outside the hospital and tries to comfort her but she lashes out at him, even physically striking him and blaming Hank for her father being in a coma.

Divya and Jeremiah meet with Gina who has called HankMed for help. Her jaw problems have progressed to Trismus, or lockjaw. Divya remembers seeing a report Gina did on dental cosmetic procedures where she received a nerve block. Divya thinks her problems are the result of that procedure but Jeremiah immediately considers referring Gina to a specialist. Divya councils him to not lose confidence in his own skills just because they all missed the extent of Hank's recent issues. Jeremiah agrees and they decide to try simpler solutions for Gina's problem.

Evan rides in the back of a car while Paige drives, using a megaphone to try to encourage people to vote for him.

Shelby asks Hank to her office to meet with the hospital's attorney, since HankMed is now part of the hospital proper, they are all one team. Shelby and Bobby start questioning Hank who quickly tires of the questions and comes to what he thinks is the point, that being did Hank ever treat a patient while being impaired by the pain medication. Hank assures them he did not and leaves when he gets a page.

Gina is back on the job and begins an interview with Blythe Ballard and Evan. Blythe quickly dominates the conversation and baits Evan, who loses his temper and says things he immediately regrets.

Hank arrives at ICU where Don is struggling to pull his breathing tube out. Dr. Oren wants to sedate him but Hank quickly gains Don's attention and calms him down.

Evan tries to apologize to Blythe but is surprised when she is not upset. In fact, she is used to rough politics and punching below the belt and assures him she has punched back, he is just not aware of it yet.

Divya stops to see Gina who is doing a story about a bowling alley that is closing down. Gina's lockjaw seems better but Divya notices she seems to be out of breath. Divya hears no problems in her lungs but requests Gina submit to an EKG.

As Hank is leaving the hospital, Molly tracks him down and apologizes for her behavior. Hank graciously accepts her apology and suggests she get some rest.

Shelby joins Jeremiah for lunch and starts asking him questions about the medication he precribed for Hank. Her questioning plants a seed of doubt in Jeremiah's mind about whether Hank came to him specifically because he knew Jeremiah wouldn't say no.

Molly comes to HankMed to apologize to Hank again, but Hank is not there. Divya listens to the girl and recognizes her exhaustion.

Evan and Paige are working the last few hours of the campaign when they watch a television interview conducted by Gina where it is revealed that their marriage is invalid because the on-line minister they used wasn't legal in their county. Before Gina can finish her interview, she starts to collapse and half of her face has turned blue. Jeremiah happens to be at the voting station and takes charge.

Hank arrives home where Divya tells him about Molly showing up to apologize. Hank is suspicious about the second apology and does a quick examination, then a CT scan and finds a cyst inside Molly's brain that is starting to bleed as she passes out. Hank declares there is insufficient time to wait for the paramedics and begins drilling into Molly's head. He removes excess fluid and Molly wakes up.

At the hospital, Divya encounters Jeremiah who has treated Gina successfully for her condition. A teary eyed Jeremiah asks Divya if Hank took advantage of him because of his meek personality, and Divya has no answer for him.

The final election results come in and Evan loses by a slim 27 votes. While disappointed for Evan, Paige is also relieved as she never wanted Evan to run in the first place.

Hank takes Don to see Molly, who is recovering from successful surgery to remove the cyst from her brain.

Evan and Paige arrive at city hall to file paperwork to legalize their marriage but find Blythe instead, waiting to swear him in as the new councilman. It turns out not all of the votes were accounted for and after all precincts were in, Evan won. After the swearing in, Blythe quickly loads Evan down with budget reports and an immediate meeting with the Sanitation department.

At home, Hank congratulates Evan on his victory and wonders if Evan can pull off two full time jobs. Evan assures him it will not be a problem. Hank notices an envelope and when he looks at the letter, it turns out to be Jeremiah's letter of resignation.